North Reads is an online book club that I host on Facebook. We 're into self-development, and we like to read books that can open you up or encourage your most beautiful life. That doesn't just mean self-help… we're into anything and everything that you can think of to encourage your most beautiful life. You can sign-up to join here!
My love of Brené Brown is relatively new, but very powerful. We take similar approaches and she bases her teachings on something I've known for a long time… be yourself. It's not always easy, and it's not really new, but as someone who has always stood out from my peers (not for any special, sparkly reason. I'm just a little weird.) I've always dug my heels into that point. Being myself is what felt best, and although it left me really drained in some ways, trying to be someone else took an even greater toll on me. I knew bring myself had to be the key, and I've been learning to address the not-so-fun parts of that as much as I can.
Well, right when I was learning to accept the differently-abled version of myself that brain surgery has left me with, in swoops Brené. Its not like she was this big secret, she was on Oprah even. Her show AND her podcast. So here's me, in this weird feeling body, trying to both accept myself and be authentic in the face of more visitors than I'd ever had, when I found Brene Brown's Ted X talk. I've attached it below, it's wonderful. It was exactly what I needed at a really challenging point in my life.
Brené (we're not on a first name basis, but I won't let that stop me) argues throughout her book that we, as humans, find deep and meaningful connections through vulnerability. Admitting to a mistake, telling your spouse you love them, or anything else that feels both honest and scary is where we're at our most authentic. It's where the opportunity for connection lives, and its something we need to lean into to find support and connection in a world where being yourself is scary.
Braving the Wilderness is her newest book. I don't read the books before the month starts, but a lot of people have, so I'll post a little review for you to read if (somehow) you're still on the fence. Here's what the Huffington Post has to say about it:
“[Brown’s] research and work have given us a new vocabulary, a way to talk with each other about the ideas and feelings and fears we’ve all had but haven’t quite known how to articulate. . . . [She] empowers us each to be a little more courageous.”
So tuck in to our book this month with me. A quick little non-fiction that I've found in every bookstore I've walked past, so its no problem to get your hands on it. Everyone needs connection of some kind, and this month we'll talk about vulnerability and leaning into fear to embrace connection. I think this is a big deal. I think it's the secret sauce.