Today, I have Kyrsten from Copper Kettle Co on to encourage you & share about her experience in taking big risks (AKA BEING A DIGITAL NOMAD WITH THREE BABIES!! HAVING HER HUSBAND GO FULL-TIME IN HER BUSINESS! BEING THE MOST LEGIT #BOSSBABE) to catapult her business forward.
Kyrsten sherwood is one half of a wife and husband team called Copper Kettle Co who help creative entrepreneurs to start and scale their small businesses. Their Launch Brand Grow Community offers accountability and education for creatives and infopreneurs with Hot Seats, Masterminds, Courses, Book Club, Workshops, Monthly Goal Setting and more! Copper Kettle Co's new 1:1 Accelerator program takes creative businesses from bootstrapped to looking, functioning and converting like one that's been in the business for years through Brand and Website Design & Development, Copywriting, Blogging, Pinterest & Social Media Management and more! Kyrsten, Kelly and their 3 (going on 4!) kids currently live in Scottsdale, AZ and serve creative business owners all over the world.
You can find her online at her instagram, facebook and website, and if you'd like to partipate in her summit, you can check that out here.