BWYP EP 13: Struggling Creative? Here's your missing piece.

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To be honest, most days, I feel like the definition of a struggling creative.  It's really easy to take the best parts of being creative for granted while hating on my sensitivity, lack of focus & self-doubt.  I'm not saying all creatives struggle with this, but I definitely do.  

Most days, I struggle to feel focused, grounded & supported as I pursue life as a sensitive creative entrepreneur, and after a little digging, I've learned that I'm not alone (even if I feel that way).  Other creative women feel the same way that I do, I just haven't found enough of them.   But, scrolling through instagram, watching & listening to what other creative women are sharing & connecting with them in the comments feels like food for my creative soul & I'm here for it.  I feel represented, in community, seen.

My blog (which you're reading) and my podcast, Bloom Where You're Planted, is a love letter to my creativity, in an effort to embrace & optimize myself as I am.  I'm tired of working against myself, in the past year I've really made an effort to embrace my creativity & make something beautiful from it, instead of trying to produce other things despite it.  But, as I shared, I'm not the most effective creative when I'm left without structure, so I've been looking for different ways that I can live my most effective, efficient & effervescent life.

Community.  I think I've figured it out.  I'm not sure, I haven't quite tested it out yet, but I'm pretty sure that as a sensitive creative, I need to surround myself with people who get it, and so do you.  Who not only push me to grow, but give me a soft place to land, share & just be.  As I continue to explore this, I'm getting more & more certain that in order for us to grow & live our best lives (effective, efficient AND effervescent) access to a community like this is crucial.

Because, It doesn't take much for me to feel like a sweet little peach at the bottom of a backpack.  Sweet, soft, the perfect companion to a summer day, great bum, but requires a gentle hand or can end up easily bruised.  And I know I'm not alone.

So, in this week's podcast (which you can check out on iTunes & Spotify) I'm talking about how I'm levelling up as a creative, and I'm inviting you along with me as I try it out. 

I've created a closed Facebook Group for sensitive, creative women that you can sign up for right here!  I know I'm not the only one who's craving something like this, so I'm launching + growing this group into something that feels safe, open & encouraging, so my other sensitive creatives can enjoy and grow along with me and the group.

The group is called North Collaborative (just like this blog!) and I'm gonna be your host.  I'm really excited to use this space to get to know each of you a little better, and you can also get to know me!  I'm gonna do what I do best over there, sharing my tips & ideas to help sensitive creatives have fun + get more shit done.

So, for all you sensitive creatives, I hope you're doing well!  Ideally, you aren't craving community because you're beautifully surrounded + supported in your day-to-day, but if not, I urge you to change that.  Finding other creatives that you can connect with will not only make you feel more supported, but will likely bring forth some of your best creativity.  If you're struggling to find your people and an online community sounds right to you, you can sign up below, but if online doesn't sound like your best option, then get out into your community & meet new people. 

I really encourage you to make this change if it feels right for you.  I was really nervous to try something new, but even the beginning stages have made it clear to me that this was the right move.  

Lotsa love,
