The Pillar Method - Building Sustainable Routines for Sensitive Creatives

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This one's for all the creatives who can't follow a morning routine for more than 2 days.

The thing with daily routines is that too much structure can be stifling for creatives.  It can turn a well-meaning nighttime routine into a long to-do list full of even more stuff you have to do, and I'm not here for that.

My approach to routine is essentials-only.  I think that the more stuff people have in their daily routine, the easier it is to get overwhelmed & not even try, so this week's podcast episode walks you through the process of creating a sustainable routine.  You can listen in the player here, or you can search for it on iTunes & Spotify!

If you'd like an ebook walking you through the pillar method, you just have to sign up for my email list & you'll get it immediately.  That way, you don't have to worry about taking notes, you can just listen, read the quick ebook & implement.

Here's what I mentioned in this episode:

My FREE community for self-aware creatives




Thanks for listening! Lotsa love,
